Creative Profiles

my rituals: food justice fellow and blogger anabelle harari

April 11, 2014


A San Diego newbie reached out to me recently after seeing my 22 San Diego Musts post. Being new to the area, she wanted to meet a fellow transplant and try one of the coffee spots on my list. (We actually ended up at my new favorite place, Young Hickory.) I thought I’d be imparting whatever lessons, tips, and tricks I’ve gathered from my 1+ year in this city, but as it turns out, I was way more excited to hear her story.

Her name is Anabelle Harari, a food justice fellow and world traveller. After graduating from college in 2011, Harari knew she wanted to travel. Backpacking in Europe? No. Trekking in South America? No. She instead volunteered in Nepal, working in a Kathmandu slum for four months, teaching about environmental issues at a local school, and launching a school gardening program. She also educated local women on health and basic nutrition. Harari then traveled all over India, worked on her blog, got to know farmers, villagers, and NGOs, and spent time in a Kerala ashram.

THEN, she spent a summer teaching gardening and social justice in Canada before moving to Jerusalem, where she worked at a Jewish-Arab school, running their community garden. This past September a fellowship opportunity brought her back to the States and into the beach community of Encinitas, just north of San Diego. There she lives on a 67.5-acre property, developing sustainable agriculture systems and working on state policies for the Hunger Advocacy Network.

OK, are you as impressed as I am? Read on to learn more about Harari and how this nomad is settling into a life of staying put (for now):

Name: Anabelle Harari
Age: 26
Hometown: Netanya, Israel + Philadelphia, PA (Ed. note: She and I grew up super near each other!)
Current city: Encinitas, CA
Professional title: Food Justice Fellow

NPR and Coffee.
Every morning begins with a cup of coffee usually with some soymilk and Morning Edition. I like starting the day with a download of what’s happening in the world. I studied International Relations in college, and world affairs are definitely still a big part of what I am interested in, especially when it involves food and agriculture.

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I practice yoga about 4-5 times per week. It a great workout for me and also helps me stay present and focused. Yoga helps my balance, strength and general well-being. If I don’t have time for a class, 15 minutes in the morning and practicing my headstand usually does the trick. The specific type of yoga is less important than actually doing it. And Encinitas happens to be a great place for yoga ☺

This is the first time in a while where I’m not traveling all the time and feel pretty grounded. I’ve been lucky to have six fellows (and neighbors) to share a community garden with. We take turns watering, weeding, and harvesting the garden, but when my turn comes around, I am reminded of how much I love getting my hands in the dirt, spending some quality time with the plants and noticing the incredible beauty and miracle that they are.

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Creating in the kitchen has always been very therapeutic for me. I love trying new recipes or throwing together whatever I have on hand, but good food is at the core of what I believe in. Even better if I grow the food! I truly believe that anyone can cook, and that more people need a connection to their food. It’s what I try to capture in my blog—to encourage people to cultivate a meaningful relationship with their food, whether that’s knowing who grows it or eating more natural food. Eating is something we do on a daily basis, but we have the chance to make it beautiful every single time by eating foods that nourish our bodies and heal the environment. And that’s pretty powerful.

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Traveling. If you can’t tell from my bio, I get antsy pretty easily, which means it’s time for a trip. That could mean a month-long backpacking trip, weekend hike, or exploring a new city. I am meant to explore. Traveling never ceases to inspire me in so many ways, from the food I discover to cultural norms to beautiful architecture or stunning views. There is nothing better than to travel, explore, and discover.

Thanks, Anabelle! You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.

All photos courtesy of Anabelle Harari

2 thoughts on “my rituals: food justice fellow and blogger anabelle harari

  1. Dixya @ Food, Pleasure, and Health

    It is so nice to meet you Anabelle..I was born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. So impressed by all you have done and still doing. Thanks Archana for introducing her.

    1. Anabelle Harari

      Thank you Archana for including me on your blog! It was so great meeting up- I will see you after my next trip! And thank you Dixya! I am heading to Nepal next month, I’m so excited to go back :)


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