
one year in san diego

January 10, 2014


Tomorrow marks our one-year Caliversary, and I can say with absolute certainty that there is no where I’d rather be at this point in my life (and maybe forever?) than San Diego. I wanted to live somewhere warm, sunny, outdoorsy and healthy with an emphasis on a good quality of life. And let me tell you, San Diegans live very well. They go to the beach, hike, buy from the farmer’s market, relax and work to live (not the other way around). They have a very positive, friendly and happy outlook on things. How could they not? San Diego is beautiful.

I also wanted to live in a small city, which is such a 180-degree switch from my late teens and early 20’s. I love that San Diego feels like a sprawling urban suburb — oxymoron, but it does feel that way — with tons of distinct and very different neighborhoods. I like that it’s quiet and slow. I like that the city feels most alive in the mornings. I sometimes miss New York’s energy, but at the end of the day, San Diego’s laid-back pace is what I want.

Of course there have been growing pains.

I met people here and there, but over the summer I was lonely and homesick for friends who’ve known me for years. And believe me, I was putting myself out there, going to events, parties, etc. Things have since taken a turn for the better, and it’s nice to know I now have quality people to enjoy this city with. (Side note: I love how people here incorporate the outdoors into their social lives. In my New York life, it was all drinks and dinners; in San Diego it’s walks, hikes and beach trips.)

I do miss how diverse and cultural New York is. Every. Day. But New York is a beast all its own that spoils you senselessly. But I will say, one of the most pleasant surprises has been getting to know the supportive and tight-knit creative community in San Diego. New York is so big that it’s hard to feel intimately acquainted with everyone in your field. Meeting the bloggers, graphic designers, interior designers, stylists and photographers who keep San Diego’s creative spirit alive has been hugely inspirational. They’ve opened my eyes to new opportunities and new ways of thinking. That’s been one of the best parts of this year.

This Caliversary also marks one year since I struck out as a freelancer — don’t love the constant hustle and pitching, love the flexibility and lifestyle — and also one year since I started this blog. I’ll be hosting a super fun giveaway on Monday for the latter, so come back to get all the details.

Until then, have a great weekend!

12 thoughts on “one year in san diego

  1. Melinda's Musings

    Wow, only one year? It seems like I discovered your blog more than a year ago! Sounds like things are going really well for you there. I love living in New York, but it’s changed, and there’s so much creativity going on in other states, sometimes it makes me want to escape this crazy city! One of my best friends moved to San Diego a little over a year ago. She’s also living the freelance lifestyle, and she just launched her own scarf brand (called Emky- Seems like San Diego can be a very inspiring place! I’ve only been once, but I’ll probably visit my friend there in March. Happy blogiversary too!

    1. Archana Post author

      I’m glad it seems like I’ve been at this longer :) I do agree that a lot of other cities have recently come up in the creative world, but there’s also no place like New York. It’s definitely at the forefront of every major artistic field. Such a treat that you get that every day! Thanks for reading and thanks for the info about Emky. I’ll check it out!

  2. Alissa Dos Santos

    I love this blog– you do such a great job with it. It’s awesome to read because you’re upbeat and lighthearted while also being down-to-earth and vulnerable. Way to go posting three days/week, too. No joke! Keep it up, lady!!! xo!

    1. Archana Post author

      That makes me so, so happy. And that’s exactly the tone I aspire to get across. Thanks for always reading!

  3. CeCe @Pink Sunshine

    I don’t want to live anywhere else either. EVER!! Glad you have found yourself feeling at home in such a beautiful City.

    1. Archana Post author

      Welcome to SD! I lived in Chicago for 4 years so I know exactly how it feels to make that transition. Hello, sunshine and warmth! And thanks for reading!

  4. Corinne Alexandra

    I just discovered your blog and spent the last 20 minutes going through your posts and falling in love all over again with this beautiful city I’m proud to call my home. We San Diegans sure are spoiled! ;) Consider me a new follower!


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