Creative Profiles

my rituals: Christy Jaynes of PROGRESS South Park

April 19, 2013

I love living in Hillcrest, but my heart does a little happy dance every time I set foot in South Park, an up-and-coming area located just south of Balboa Park. It’s practically void of cars and instead filled with tree-lined streets, smiling families, drip-coffee vendors brewing on the sidewalk and an urban neighborhood vibe reminiscent of Brooklyn or Portland. It’s also home to some of the coolest local business including my favorite of the bunch: PROGRESS South Park.

The home/furniture/gift shop has a wonderfully edited selection of pieces — couches, jewelry and greeting cards, among other goodies — and includes 20 local vendors in its inventory. When you step inside, you feel more like you’re walking into someone’s home than a store, and the friendly atmosphere can be attributed to PROGRESS’ sweet owners, Bruce and Christy Jaynes. And today, Christy is sharing her rituals with us!

Christy Jaynes
We moved a lot! Tennessee, Washinton, Montana, Virginia, Texas…
San Diego, CA
1/2 owner of PROGRESS South Park

Green tea in the morning
I switched from coffee (I still drink coffee, I just don’t start the day with it) and I feel such satisfaction knowing that the first thing I put in my body is good for me. A mug of tea and a patch of morning sun is the best.

Reading to relax
It helps to stop the noise and focus my brain.  I mostly read non-fiction things.  I think it’s because even though I’m taking time out, I’m still learning something, which equates to getting something done.  In the middle of a busy day, I can pick-up a magazine, read an article and feel rested. It’s a little tiny vacation!

Lighting candles
I do it when I get up in the morning and when I get home at the end of the day. It’s perhaps my oldest ritual. There is something sacred about it. Fire purifies, and it seems to keep the energy in my house clean and open.  The soft glow and lovely scents don’t hurt either. Growing up on Whidbey Island in Washington, I would walk home from school in the rain on most days. When I got home candles would be lit, the wood stove burning and often my snack was fresh baked. I light candles to feel that way, the embraced by home, comforted by the quiet glow and safe from the “weather” kind of feeling.

Thanks, Christy! Hope you have a good weekend, everyone!

First image via; second photo via Christy Jaynes

4 thoughts on “my rituals: Christy Jaynes of PROGRESS South Park

  1. Kate

    My sister lived in North and South Park! Now I’m trying to remember if I’ve been in this store, the backdrop looks familiar…

    Love following your new adventures!


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