Creative Profiles

our rituals: the amigobooth crew

May 10, 2013

If you read this blog, follow me on Instagram or read my Tweets — I make myself very available, clearly — then you’ve probably seen a few snaps of me in AmigoBooth photos. This rad company based in San Diego takes photo-booths to the next level with compact set-ups (stylish, simple backgrounds + computer that snaps photos + iPad that displays said snaps) and instant sharing capabilities on your computer or phone (here’s their app!). Might I add that these photos also come with the most flattering light. AmigoBooth is a big part of San Diego’s creative scene, so of course I had to ask them to be a part of my series.

It consists of husband-and-wife photography team Rico and Rachel Castillero (left) and fellow married couple Allison and James Miller (right). Good looking group, huh? Let’s see what’s behind those pretty faces:

Rico Castillero
Age: 29
Hometown: San Diego
Current City: San Diego
Professional title: Designer/Photographer

Working on our house
Two years ago we bought our beloved little 100-year-old craftsman home in our favorite neighborhood South Park. It’s definitely a “project” house and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I studied architecture so working on our house (currently our kitchen remodel) is the perfect way to stay connected to my love for design and build and to take a much needed break from the computer to get my hands dirty and create something tangible.

Rachel Castillero
Age: 30
Hometown: San Diego
Current City: San Diego
Professional title: Photographer

Walking Lou
We have an amazing pup named Lou that we rescued this last December, and we couldn’t be happier having him in the family. Animals are a huge part of our life and something we are passionate about, and spending time daily walking with Lou in the neighborhood helps me to slow down, talk to neighbors, relax, and reflect. Our daily walks are perfect for creating more quiet in my life and a much needed break from the day to day work schedule. They are just what I need.

Allison Miller
Age: 28
Hometown: San Diego
Current City: San Diego
Professional Title: Mom/Customer Support

Time with God
I need it. I crave it. And when I don’t get it I can totally feel a difference. To recharge, I spend some quiet time with God — reading, praying, journaling…just taking a few minutes to remind myself who I am, what my purpose is, and to refocus. I grab my Bible, one of a few books I’m reading, and a cup of coffee or something to munch on and get a few minutes to just be. I am so easily distracted, so it’s a great reminder that it’s not about me. It’s not about how much I can accomplish in a day. It’s not about what people think of me. It’s about Him. It’s about serving others. It’s about loving people.

James Miller
Age: 29
Hometown: Wycoff, NJ
Current City: San Diego
Professional Title: Software Engineer

Music and a Drink
I love a good beverage and I love music. Put the two together and that’s how I get my escape, my time to recharge. When I need some relaxing time in the morning, I go for fresh coffee and Keane radio on Pandora. In the evening, a finger of bourbon and some Zero 7 does the trick. Anywhere in-between, I’ll grab a tasty drink and bust out the guitar. It doesn’t hurt that my baby girl loves those strings too. She loves to sit with me, try to strum, and listen to me play. She races into my office whenever she hears me playing, and often goes over to the guitar and asks me to play with her. I’ll play it for as long as she’ll let me.

You can also find AmigoBooth on Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks, Amigos! Happy Friday, friends!

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