
chocolate bundt cake

December 4, 2013

You may remember that I got a ridiculously amazing copper bundt pan (and copper colander) from the thrift store recently. Since then, I’ve been trying to find the perfect bundt recipe to christen the beautiful piece. As much as I love Pinterest and food blogs, I’m a firm believer that while not an expert on savory cooking, Martha is the queen of baked goods. Every one of her dessert recipes I’ve made have been huge hits.

There are also about a zillion types of bundt cake, but for my first, I went for a simple chocolate cake dotted with walnuts and drizzled with chocolate sauce. A lot of people in the comments section said the cake was dry, but I baked it for 55 minutes and it was moist to perfection. What wasn’t perfect? My drizzle. I really just don’t know how to glaze properly. I think it had to do with letting my glaze sit too long and thus harden before pouring it. But we’re splitting hairs here; there’s nothing ever wrong with chocolate sauce on chocolate cake.

I wasn’t ballsy enough to see if the cake lasts longer than the one day Martha warns, so I doled out quite a bit to my friends. Also, vanilla ice cream. This cake necessitates vanilla ice cream.

2 thoughts on “chocolate bundt cake

    1. Archana Post author

      Thanks! And I totally agree. I love looking around the apartment and seeing thrifted items put to good use!


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