Monthly Archives: November 2014

Creative Profiles

7 questions with melissa flores of corazones de papel

November 7, 2014

Melissa Flores of Corazones de Papel

Melissa Flores is the Tijuana-based artist behind Corazones de Papel, a line of handmade paper products that began as a personal passion project. When Melissa began dating her now husband back in 2004, she invented a sweet tradition of making him a card for every month they were dating. That inspired her to create her own brand, and Corzaones was born.

Today she’s dishing on her favorite organic coffee from Mexico and her favorite San Diego shop…among other things.

Name: Melissa Flores
Age: 30
Neighborhood: Tijuana, Mexico
Job: Founder & Creative Designer at Tarjeteria Corazones de Papel

What did you eat for breakfast today?
Like everyday first I drank a green juice, full of energy and vitamins to get started. And because today is Sunday I ate one of my favorite autumn breakfasts, gluten-free pumpkin pancakes from Trader Joe’ and a delicious latte (my favorite organic coffee from Chiapas, México).

What’s the best thing about your job?
That each day I can create something new, unique and different, and I can find new ways of “artistic expression,” finding that perfect match of materials, colors and shapes to make a special card, which at any time will be for someone a special card also, not only outside, but by the words it contains within it. I do not follow trends, not follow lines, just let my imagination run wild and get down to work.

The worst?
I could not say that something is the worst because I really love what I do, but sometimes, I cannot stop. In fact there are some nights when I cannot sleep. I have my sketchbook right next to my bed because I wake up with two or three ideas at midnight. And of course, I wish that my day was 30 hours minimum!

How do you tackle a creative block?
I let it go sometimes a few minutes, half day or a full day. I get out of the studio, clean my mind and I begin to see small details, and within seconds get bright ideas. Sometimes I re-watch my favorite movie to distract myself or just enjoy a cup of coffee, making my mind “forget” that it was creating something, let it rest and then boom! tons of ideas. It’s also very important that my workspace is neat and clean with a little but beautiful disorder. On my desk I have my favorite things—one is a golden Eiffel Tower (because I love golden things), which always reminds me that the world is so big.

What’s your favorite spot in San Diego and why?
Any place that makes me feel elsewhere. It’s amazing how just a few minutes from home, I suddenly feel like I’m on the other side of the planet. I love walking around Coronado Island, visiting the Hotel del Coronado. And of course spending a minimum 30 minutes in one of my favorite local stationery shops, The Seaside Papery. And if it’s Sunday, it’s lovely to visit Balboa Park. (Can you believe that Balboa is bigger than Central Park?) But without a doubt my favorite place is home—from sitting in the living room to watching my favorite movie to spending hours in my studio to sometimes just organizing materials or sketching.

What are you currently reading?
I am a very visual person and don’t spend enough time reading, but the last I read was the biography of Marie Antoinette.

What was the most awesome thing about today?
The challenge to translate my ideas into my own cards.

Thanks, Melissa! You can also find her on Instagram.

monthly favorites

5 october favorites

November 5, 2014

Five wonderful things I saw and did last month…


1. See that? You’re looking at the San Diego Humane Society‘s newest Canine Ambassador! Teddy and I began volunteering with the non-profit a few weeks ago, and the title is pretty spectacular, no? Think of the position like a notch below a certified therapy dog. Unlike the latter, a canine ambassador doesn’t go through a Canine Good Citizen exam but does have a brief test during which the coordinators make sure he/she sits, comes when called, doesn’t freak out if I leave, is OK with being hugged and is generally loving. Anyone who has met my dog knows that he’s pretty much the most ideal candidate for this position. And it’s good prep for the CGC test because I do want him to be certified to cheer people up in hospitals and nursing homes in a few years when he’s less spazzy.

The opportunities range from weekly Fur Fix events, when locals can stop by the Humane Society’s campus to pet dogs and kittens, to visiting classrooms to teach kids about loyalty, learning and how to meet a dog. So far we’ve done a few Fur Fixes, and let me just say, animals are powerful creatures. Sure, some kids pet the animals and run off, but it’s the adults, particularly the older set, who reap so much joy from their brief interactions with Teddy. Last week I met an old man who has been wanting another golden retriever for quite some time and was nearly in tears when he saw Teddy. That expression of sheer happiness on his face when Teddy sidled up to him is more than enough to keep me going back every week. I almost feel a little silly calling it volunteering since it’s fun for Teddy and me, but I guess that’s how I know I’ve picked a way to give back that’s right for me. The only problem is everyone asks about adopting him. Sorry, folks, he’s mine, but I’m happy to lend him out for this.

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around san diego

weekend recap

November 3, 2014

A few snaps from the weekend that was…


101 Dalmatians realness for Halloween. We ate pizza (in costume) at the Golden Hill Luigi’s, walked around South Park to see all the awesomely decorated houses and did a little bar-hopping (sans Teddy) in Hillcrest. We saw a lot of Maleficents, a lot of Day of the Dead-ers and a few Frida Kahlo’s. Props to the parents who dressed their kid up as Freddy Krueger and made him take a photo next to a Neighborhood Watch sign.

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